Sai Brother from Nagur Sharing their divine sai baba experience with us today : I was searchin for IT job and also a very good company has called me for final round of interview on Thursday.I went to their office and got selected. 

after joining job my eye started giving me problem.I consulted to many doctors for long time but it didn't worked out.

I was frustrated from my eye and left everything on Baba. One day I thought to consult with other eye hospital and I planned to go there on Saturday. 

Suddenly rain has started on Saturday morning and i could not go then i had thought of reading one chapter of Sai Satcharitra and then go to hospital. 

Rain did not stop. So a thought came into mind to search for hospital number on internet. I called them and they said that their hospital is closed today and ask me to visit them on Monday. 

I believed that It was Sai Baba Ji's plan as He did not want me to unnecessarily go there in heavy rain.

Like the same way upto next thursday my plans get postponded every time.

And finally at a thursday i can get out my pain by visiting a nearby Doctor.

I was totaly surprised that thought i gone to many specialist doctors but it cant help mi to less my pain but when i went on thursday to a doctor it worked.

It means that sai baba is watching your pains and they definately has a solution for it but only thing is that u just have to keep faith in them.

Sachhidand Sainath Maharaj ki Jay..!!

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