Name / नाम - Sheetal Gupta

Country / देश - India

Subject / विषय - Sai Mahima ...

Introduction / परिचय - 

Om sai ram to everyone... i am frm dharamshala,h.p. pls dont share my name nd email id M a little devotee of him, but i luv him alot nd he loves me more than anyone...

Your Experience / तुम्हारा अनुभव
I know baba ji frm my school days at that time i dont believe so much on him, but he always help me in every difficult situation of my life whether it is related to my studies or any problem. Here is a beautiful miracle which happened with me when m doing my frm punjab. 

1st Experience  - 

In 2010, when i was doing my 2nd sem i hav a pendent of baba ji which i always wear in my neck. As my exams are vry near about we hav liberties frm the clg so m at home(at dharamshala, h.p). On the day when i hav to go back to clg , my pendent was lost in the bathroom while taking bath. I was very depressed , i seached it all arourd but i couldn't found it. At last i came back. In the whole journey i think about that , there are many thoughts running in my mind that may be my baba is angry wid me or may i do something so that my sai leaves me . In the evening i have reached my hostel room, nd on entering the room i was stunned. Guess wat , the same locket was lying on my bed which i hav lost at my home . See there is a large distance between these places nearly abt 300 km but my baba is at everywhere . He is sho swtt i treat him lyk my frd , my bro, father evrythng usualy i talk wid him, i luv u alot babaji pls be wid me always. From the last 6 months m suffring frm lot of mental tension but i knw my baba is wid me nd he wil never leaves me alone.

2nd Experience  -

I hav started sai nav vrat, at my 5th fast i prayed to babaji that pls give me darshan in some form ,whether in picture or any . The whole day passed but i didn't get nd i fight wid babaji nd said that if wil nt come then i wil nt eat anything . In the night when i hav to open my fast i made chpatis fr me and fr my baba . i said baba ji kati , u dnt luv me na , nd suddenly i heard a song of babaji .At dat time i was vry happy dat how much he cares abt me .Really he is sho 2 swtttt. Pls forgive me if there is any mistake. May he bless all of us... 

Om sai ram...

Post a Comment

  1. Om Sai Ram!! He is always with us

  2. Ya.. He s always wid us n luvs us more thn v luv him..

