Sister Priyanka Share His Experience About Sai Baba Miracle..!!

Sai Pranam,

My name is Priyanka. I belong to a small town Haldwani, in Nainital district.The story that I am about to tell is about my father. Last year, in june, one night my father had a little pain in his heart. We gave him few medicines wondering it wud be cause of gas problem or anything. But the pain didn't stop. We had to take him to the hospital immediately and he got admitted in emergency ward. Docters gavethem pills and injections to cure the pain. And then did ECG..that showed deviations in heartbeats. Before reaching to any conclusion they shifted my father to ICU and told us that it seemed like a milder heart attack to us.We all panicked but they asked us to wait till morning for the reports. Me and my mother were awake whole night in hospital waiting for the reports. As soon as reports came, I went to the docter inquiring about them and the docter told me that it seems there are blockages in his heart and you should take the patient to some metro city as the treatment is not available here.
Everybody there was talking abt taking my father to either bareilly or Delhi for the operation and further treatment. I was completely shattered and was not able to understand anything. Then the day passed by, we were still there in hospital. Then the senior cardiologist of the hospital came in ICU to check all the patients and then he checked all the reports of my father. Then suddenly he screamed and called a nurse that What is this? These arent his Reports. Whose reports are these?
I went worried but then a feeling of hope came up. I thanked Sai Ram for it. Then the docter said he is all fine. His reports are normal and apologised for the inconvinience caused all because of them and also asked us to take his home.
Moreover, he himself said that this kind of thing never happened before. Our staff dont make such small mistakes.
Firstly, I was super angry with there system and my heart said don't be angry..its Baba's miracle. He cured your father.
And yes it came out to be a miracle to him.


As soon as i heard that, I cudn't stop crying and went numb for a while. Then I came home as my mother asked me to bring few things from home. When I came home, I went to mandir and prayed to baba that please don't do this, And I read kasht Nivaran mantra of baba for 5 times and begged for my father and then went again to hospital.

I am sure i would hav made many mistakes in writing this mail to you. Please ignore them and share my story with every SAI devotee.

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