Dear Sir / Madam

I am M. Dhakshinamoorthy from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu I am sai devotee

I used to go to Naga Sai Baba temple which is in Coimbatore

One day I went to temple with my brother on thursday morning, after praying I used to sit in the temple and see the Baba statue, on that day there was very crowd, I said to my brother that there is so crowd so I cant see the baba statue, at that time my brother said why are you trying to see the Baba statue just close your eyes and think from your heart for 2 minutes definitely you will see the Baba.

On May 2nd 2013 Thursday I am just going to pay the fees for my higher studies and I asked Baba to give his dharsan, I were searching for his dharsan at many places and many vehicles too to see the baba, at that time the word strike which was said by brother (just close your eyes and think about Baba definitely he will be infront of  you) the same I did, I was closing my eyes and praying Baba after opening the eyes the Baba’s photo is in front of me.

There is no words to express my happiness I was so amazed and thanked Baba with my tears.
After paying fees I came to home and went to temple by evening and thanked the Baba with my tears.

If there is any grammer mistakes pls forgive me.


M. Dhakshinamoorthy

Mobile : 9003564648

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