Name / नाम - Sujatha

Email ID / ईमेल आयडी -

Subject / विषय - Baba is always with us....

Introduction / परिचय - 

I work for IT company and keep moving from one state to another as per the project requirement.

Your Experience / तुम्हारा अनुभव -

I had to relocate from STL to Schamburg in USA and I had kept baba's arati book, my petition document and original 2 passports in a cover safely. After reaching Schamburg for my suprise I could not find the cover inspite of searching many time. A year passed by and I really felt very bad that I lost the cover which had baba's arati book which was really dearest to me. I prayed to baba telling I dont want anything from that cover, it would be really very good if I can get his arati book. 

To my surprise one of my friend had come home and she arranged all the god's books at the pooja room and the 1st book which she had kept was the arathi book which I had lost. When I asked her as to where did she find the book, she said it was below all the books I just arranged as per the size of the book hence I kept it at the top.

It was for sure that baba listened to my true prayer and gave me what I had wanted.
I till day believe ask baba with true belief he will fulfill and guide us in every step we take.

Jai Sai Ram....

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  1. I am a huge devotee of sai baba.when I was doing my college, result of 3rd yr was announced.since my roll number was one everybody knew it,so my 3-4 friends told me that I got 76% but I was little bit disappointed because all my competitor got more marks than me but I still felt blessed and went to Saibaba temple in nehru Nagar Bhopal with one kg sweet to offer it to saibabas feet.when I returned from temple I thought I should get one copy of result from internet.I didn't believe that I scored 80% in my was really miracle because 3-4 person can't lie.then I knew it was blessing my sai Baba...I love you saibaba and will always love u... please keep blessing me and others too.

