Sai Son says: Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Ram , Lots of thanks for the fabulous service you are rendering in the kind of this Website. It gives us all a lot of positive hope & increases our faith manifold in our Sai Baba. Here are a number of my recent experiences. Request you to publish them. mention me as Sai Son & keep my e-mail id & name Sectret. Thank you a lot.

My 1st Exprience About Baba Cured My Husband's Fever...!!!

Recently my husband had fever the whole day and i was not so concerned as i thought it will go away soon. I started getting worried in the evening when the fever was still the same and had not come down at all. So i prayed to Sai Baba and gave UDI mixed water to my husband to drink. They also applied UDI on his brow. Again since i was still worried i gave Crocin tablet to him after dinner. After that i prayed to Baba honestly and they slept. I woke up in between in the night and when i checked, the fever had gone!! I again slept peacefully. And next day in the morning my husband did not have any fever and they was absolutely fine. Thanks a lot Baba. You are so kind and merciful. You listen to us always and answer our Prayers so rapid. Thanks Gurudeva Dattatreya. do favor all of your babies like this always. Bless us all with nice health, long life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness. They LOVE you a lot and honestly thank you for everything. May your blessings reach all of your children always.

2nd Experience About Sai Taking Care Of My Best Friend's Father's Health

One of my Best Friend father was not doing well and had some health issues. On hearing about it, by Baba's inspiration I suggested her to pray to Baba, apply UDI and read a Sai Charitra. Also I started mailing her every day the experiences published here. They was happy with all this and after a month or so, they was happy to share that her Father is doing lovely and is much better health wise, and doctors also confirmed that everything was fine. I was one time happy to listen to that. Baba is Great, they loves all of his children and looks after their needs always. They never sleeps, is always awake and taking excellent care of us. We love you a lot Sainatha.

3rd Experience About My Sister

My sister-in-law was expecting her first child and he is of very weak health and very lean. Somehow by Baba's grace the pregnancy was fine and without any complications. But towards the finish the liquid was drying up anpd they were all raying for a safe and speedy normal delivery. However, Baba knows what is best for us and so the doctors did a C-section and he safely delivered a child boy. Both the Mother and son are doing fine now. My nephew is now three months elderly. We thank Baba for taking such excellent care of my sister-in-law, her child and her whole relatives. Baba is the Great.

And Last Experience Is Very Interesting Sai baba Came To My House On New Year Day..!!

Since the last few years I visit temple on the 1st of January. This year New years day was my first new year after marriage. However since my Mother-in-law expired recently they are not supposed to visit any temple till a year. So, I was praying to Baba that if I could not go to see him in his temple and seek his blessings, they can at least come to our home on 1st January and bless us. That would make me happy. Now Baba also had some lovely plan. It so happened that I had placed an order for an idol of Baba at an artisan’s place. But due to some reasons it was getting delayed. Finally one time when I visited them the idol was made, but had to be painted. I thought of taking Baba's idol after it was painted on the approaching weekend. But I could not come and collect Baba's idol as planned. Somehow, due to Baba's plan, grace and his sweet Leela they got this thought of getting Baba's idol on January 1st only. And by Baba's grace the idol was prepared when they went to the artisan’s place on January 1st and they happily brought Baba home. It was Baba's Leela to come to our home (our home is my Baba's home, it's all His, nothing is our's ) on 1st January and make us happy by blessing us, and due to that only the idol was not prepared whenever they went to the artisan’s place. Wonderful is Baba's Leela. They designs everything so perfectly well that they get to see and recognize how appropriate His work is only at the right time. Baba knew that I could not come to the temple on New Year and I would be mournful, so They planned it well and came home in the New Year's day. Baba -You are so very nice, I Love you from the core of my heart. Everything is incomplete without You, my sweetest Deva.

Also, I had a dream in the morning of 1st January. In the dream, I was outside Baba's temple, standing in the queue for taking Baba's Prasad. I did get the Prasad and was eating it happily. I think Baba tried to assure me by this dream that They is always with us, even if they are unable to visit Him in His temple.

Another sweet thing that Baba did on New Year's day was that They made me and my husband watch the film a English Vinglish together at home in the evening. I had a require to watch this film with my husband so that my husband also knows the importance of a spouse, and to love and respect ladies in general. Somehow they could not watch it in the theater and finally it was aired on the 1st of Jan, and they watched it together. This was Baba's gift to us on Jan 1st. My husband loved the film and understood the importance of affection, respect, feelings etc. This is all due to my Baba since my husband usually likes English movies. I thank You Baba for this sweet Leela and making my husband all the more loving and caring with each passing day. Thanks for this nice development in our married life. It's been blissful only due to Your kind grace and blessings. I seek to have Your boon-bestowing hand on our heads forever. bless us to be nice people and make us worthy of your grace. Love you a whole lot. You are the most wonderful Brother to us all.

My honest prayers for all the people in this world for nice health, peace, prosperity and happiness. May Baba's blessings reach all of us always, may They guide us to be in the right path forever and may our heart be filled with Love and devotion for Baba. Thank you Baba for everything, they owe you every little bit of our joy.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Thanks For Reading Exeperience 

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