From India - Sai Brother Sunita  from says: OM SAI RAM. I am sharing two current experiences of SHIRDI SAI BABA & the all importance of SAI BABA UDI. These two experiences are about to my little daughter Manisha. She will be three years this October. This is a wonderful platform to share the Miracle of SAI BABA. 

1st Experience - One night my little son was having high fever. I woke her and gave her  water mixed with SAI BABA UDI after praying to SHIRDI SAI BABA. The next day there was no trace of high fever. This is without using any medicine or any antibiotic. What a wonderful Miracle of SAI BABA UDI.

2nd Experience - One day my daughter Manisha was playing with Agar Batti & Dhoop meant for pooja. My wife was telling  Manisha has swallowed some dhoop while playing. That night the little one woke up crying and complaining of stomach pain. She was crying for almost 2 hour from 12 in the mid night till about 1 am. At that night I had to disturb SAI in the mid night prayed to Him and gave the some water mixed with SAI BABA UDI and applied UDI on her fore head. After some time the little one fell asleep. Next Day when Manisha woke up, there was no trace of stomach pain at all. What a wonderful Miracle a of SAI BABA and importance of SAI UDI. SAI BABA, bless all devotees and his family.

Jay Jay Sai Ram

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